What Is A Holistic Approach To Well-Being?

Menopause is different for each woman, despite the broad definition of menstrual cycle having come to an end applying uniformly to everyone. Once you cross the threshold of 45 years, the perimenopausal symptoms begin to exhibit and these can be used as an indication of what to expect going ahead. Doctors attribute menopausal symptoms to hormonal fluctuations, and usually suggest hormone therapy as one of the ways of easing the transition. That being said, this medical option is not the only viable solution. In fact, there are various natural remedies that can also provide relief should you wish to adopt a holistic approach.

Because menopausal problems are mostly related to hormones – specifically estrogen – it is but natural to opt for home remedies that would restore the hormonal balance. Given that the symptoms vary from one woman to another, the remedy must be chosen as per the suffering. To this effect, a holistic approach to managing menopause includes the following lifestyle changes –

Increase Protein Intake

Make it a point to mindfully consume at least 20-30 grams of protein with every meal. Some natural sources of protein include eggs, pulses, lentils, and dairy products. Proteins replenish the amino acid content of the body, which in turn strengthens skin, muscles, and bones. They also keep hunger pangs in check, and cause you to feel full, thus protecting you from junk food and unwanted indulgences.

In this way, protein intake plays an instrumental role in stabilizing your appetite and weight and helps restore hormonal balance. 

Exercise and Strength Training

For women, menopause comes at a time when the effects of ageing also become apparent. So if you are worried about how to cope with changes related to both, do not fret. There is an easy and affordable solution that is effective in dealing with both, namely a physical workout. Exercising every day, or even on alternate days, accrues multiple benefits, primary among them being regulation of the sugar-absorbing hormone, insulin.

Determine the intensity of your physical activity by bearing in mind factors like time, stamina, and comfort. Then you can either pick something simple like going for a walk, or opt for a more strenuous routine, like strength training and cardio workout. Over a period of time, you will have developed insulin sensitivity and protected yourself from several health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and so on, all of which can get worse during perimenopause and menopause.

Avoid Sugar and Sugary Beverages

Sugar in any form, solid or in beverages, disrupts hormonal balance, and estrogen is no exception to this rule. Therefore, holistic handling of menopause calls for restricting sugar intake, especially beverages that are loaded with sugar, and preserving hormonal balance. An added benefit is that you can avoid obesity by cutting down on sugar and eliminate the possibility of weight gain all through perimenopause and menopause.

Include Healthy Fats and Fatty Fish

Fats are classified as being healthy/ harmful depending on how they trigger hormones and are stored within the body. Your focus should be on consuming triglycerides as opposed to Trans fats, as these provide the body with energy which is very much required during menopause. Olive oil, nuts and palm oil replenish the triglycerides within the body without causing belly fat to accumulate or aggravating diabetes, both of which can lead to complications.

Likewise, Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the body by regulating the stress related hormones. Therefore, including them in your diet through salmon, sardines and mackerel can bring about holistic healing by reducing inflammation, and easing tension.  

Overcome Stress

One of the hallmarks of the present-day lifestyle is stress, and it could be due to myriad factors. Even before your perimenopause sets in, you might be experiencing stress due to work, responsibilities, finances, or a hectic lifestyle. Before you even realize, it builds up sufficiently to interfere with hormonal functions and causes havoc during menopause when you are at your most vulnerable self.

No matter how tied up you might be, do not allow stress to creep in and take root to the point of effecting your routine activities. As soon as you identify the first indications of perimenopause, consciously set aside a part of the day for relaxation activities, such as meditation, yoga, or an engaging and soothing hobby.

Sleep Well

Try to get at least seven hours of continuous sleep every day. In addition to quantity, the quality of sleep also matters in the sense that the deeper you sleep, the more well rested you would feel. Adequate and good-quality sleep enables you to remain calm by boosting hormone production, and this in itself makes all the difference to the quality of life.

To accrue the benefits of sleeping well, practice bedtime yoga and meditation. Spend some time in bed reading a book or listening to soft and soothing music. Avoid gadgets or activities that raise the level of excitement and gradually slip into the groove.

High Fiber Diet

Regardless of whether the fiber is soluble or insoluble, it fortifies health by ensuring smooth bowel movements and giving a feeling of being full. Menopause is a phase when your bowel movements may not be as regulated, which is why including fiber in your diet becomes a priority. Consuming fiber-rich foods like broccoli, beans and carrots during menopause will stabilize bowel movements to a great extent, and in the process render the transition a bit easier for you.   

Fiber is also filling by nature, meaning it will curb your hunger pangs and prevent you from indulging. As a result, you will have avoided extra calories and will have successfully kept your weight in check.

Final Thoughts

Ageing does cause hormonal fluctuation, and perimenopause and menopause are phases wherein the impact is most profound. While it is possible to bypass the situation completely, what you aim for is to ease the symptoms and minimize their impact so that the transition is both smooth and stable. In such a situation, a holistic approach is ideal because not only does it achieve the objective but is also likely to leave a long-lasting positive impact on your health.

What renders the holistic approach most attractive is its simplistic nature, wherein it can be applied by anyone without weighing too much on the purse. All that it advocates is a couple of lifestyle changes which can be easily incorporated without requiring a paradigm shift. So why not give it a shot and enjoy the goodness of lasting hormonal balance for many long years to come?  





