Practising Self-Love in an Unhealthy Relationship

Navigating self-love in an unhealthy relationship can be challenging, yet it’s essential for maintaining your well-being and sense of self. Here are some strategies to help you cultivate self-love despite the difficulties of an unhealthy relationship:

1. Set Boundaries
In an unhealthy relationship, setting boundaries is crucial. For example, if your partner frequently belittles your achievements, you might say, “I need to be treated with respect. If you continue to put me down, I will need to take some time apart to reassess the situation.” Clearly defining unacceptable behaviours helps you maintain your self-respect and dignity.

2. Prioritise Self-Care
Ensure you make time for activities that nourish your body and mind. If you find yourself feeling drained after interactions with your partner, schedule regular “me time” to recharge. This could involve taking a yoga class, pursuing a hobby, or simply spending time alone to reflect and relax. Prioritising self-care is essential for maintaining your sense of self-worth.

3. Seek Support
Reach out to trusted friends, family, or a therapist to discuss your situation. For instance, if you feel isolated or misunderstood, talking to someone who listens and offers objective advice can provide clarity and emotional relief. Support from others can help you gain perspective and validation.

4. Reflect on Your Needs
Take time to understand your needs and desires in the relationship. For example, if your partner doesn’t share your desire for open communication, assess how important this is to you. Reflect on whether you feel heard and valued. Recognising unmet needs helps you understand what you require for a fulfilling relationship.

5. Practise Self-Compassion
Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it’s normal to have complex emotions. If you struggle with feelings of guilt or self-blame about the relationship’s issues, remind yourself that it’s okay to feel conflicted. Speak to yourself with kindness and compassion, recognising that it’s natural to feel uncertain when dealing with an unhealthy relationship.

6. Stay Grounded in Your Values
Remind yourself of your core values and principles. If you value honesty and your partner frequently lies or omits the truth, make decisions that align with your principles. For example, if dishonesty is affecting you deeply, consider having an honest conversation about its impact or reassessing the relationship if the behaviour continues.

7. Develop Your Independence
Cultivate interests and friendships outside the relationship to maintain a sense of self and autonomy. If your partner discourages you from pursuing particular interests, continue to invest time in them for your own fulfilment. Building a life outside the relationship strengthens your self-identity and independence.

8. Evaluate the Relationship
Periodically assess whether the relationship is fulfilling and whether your needs are being met. If you find yourself constantly unhappy or your needs are persistently unmet, consider whether the relationship is healthy and worth maintaining. Regular evaluation helps you stay aware of the relationship’s impact on your well-being.

9. Consider Professional Help
A therapist can provide valuable tools and strategies for navigating the relationship and building resilience. If you’re struggling with emotional complexities or self-worth issues due to the relationship, therapy can offer support and guidance, helping you make informed decisions.

Example of an Unhealthy Relationship

Consider the scenario of Sarah and Alex. Over time, Sarah notices several troubling patterns: Alex frequently criticises her career choices, undermines her self-esteem, and dismisses her feelings. When Sarah tries to express her concerns, Alex responds with anger or defensiveness, making her feel invalidated. Sarah starts feeling increasingly isolated and drained, as Alex discourages her from spending time with friends and pursuing her hobbies.

Applying these strategies, Sarah might:

  • Set Boundaries: She could say, “I need to be treated with respect. I’m not comfortable with the way you criticise my career. If this continues, we need to discuss how to move forward.”
  • Prioritise Self-Care: Sarah could start taking regular walks, reconnecting with friends, and engaging in activities she enjoys to maintain her well-being.
  • Seek Support: Sarah might confide in a close friend and begin seeing a therapist for perspective and support.
  • Reflect on Needs: Sarah could realise that open communication and support are crucial to her happiness and that these needs are unmet in her current relationship.
  • Practise Self-Compassion: Sarah might remind herself that it’s okay to feel conflicted and that she deserves to be treated with respect and kindness.
  • Stay Grounded in Values: Sarah could assess that her values of honesty and respect are not honoured in the relationship.
  • Develop Independence: Sarah might continue to pursue her hobbies and strengthen her friendships, maintaining a sense of self outside of the relationship.
  • Evaluate the Relationship: Sarah could regularly assess how the relationship affects her happiness and well-being, noting that it has become increasingly detrimental.
  • Consider Professional Help: Sarah might work with a therapist to build self-esteem and navigate her options, ultimately helping her make a decision about the relationship’s future.


Practising self-love amidst an unhealthy relationship is crucial for maintaining your well-being and sense of self. By setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, seeking support, and staying grounded in your values, you can protect your self-worth and make informed decisions about the relationship. Developing independence and considering professional help further empower you to navigate the complexities with resilience and clarity.

In the case of Sarah and Alex, applying these strategies helps Sarah to reflect on her needs, recognise the relationship’s impact on her happiness, and make thoughtful decisions about her future. Ultimately, while self-love involves nurturing yourself through challenges, it may also lead to the realisation that leaving an unhealthy relationship can be a profound act of self-respect and care.

In summary, prioritising self-love amidst an unhealthy relationship ensures that you remain true to yourself and make choices that honour your well-being. Whether it involves seeking support, establishing boundaries, or re-evaluating the relationship’s impact on your life, embracing these practices is essential for fostering a healthier and more fulfilling future.